Flutter Can’t Open Default Mail App in Android: Solved!
Image by Kacy - hkhazo.biz.id

Flutter Can’t Open Default Mail App in Android: Solved!

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What’s the Issue?

Native Android Approach

Intent class to launch the default mail app. Here’s an example:
Intent emailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
Intent with the action ACTION_SEND and sets the type to message/rfc822, which is the MIME type for email. Finally, it starts the activity using the startActivity() method.

Flutter Approach

Intent class directly. Instead, you need to use the url_launcher package to launch the default mail app. Here’s an example:
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';

Future _launchEmailApp() async {
  final mailUrl = 'mailto:');
  if (await canLaunch(mailUrl)) {
    await launch(mailUrl);
  } else {
    throw 'Could not launch mail app';
url_launcher package to launch the default mail app. It creates a mailto: URL and checks if it can be launched using the canLaunch() method. If it can be launched, it uses the launch() method to open the mail app.


Step 1: Add the url_launcher Package

url_launcher package to your Flutter project. Open your pubspec.yaml file and add the following dependency:
    sdk: flutter
  url_launcher: ^5.7.10
flutter pub get to install the package.

Step 2: Import the Package

url_launcher package in your Dart file:
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';

Step 3: Create the launchEmailApp Function

launchEmailApp that will launch the default mail app:
Future _launchEmailApp() async {
  final mailUrl = 'mailto:example@example.com';
  if (await canLaunch(mailUrl)) {
    await launch(mailUrl);
  } else {
    throw 'Could not launch mail app';
mailto: scheme to create a URL that will launch the default mail app. You can replace example@example.com with the email address you want to use.

Step 4: Call the launchEmailApp Function

launchEmailApp function when you want to open the default mail app:
  onPressed: _launchEmailApp,
  child: Text('Open Mail App'),
ElevatedButton to call the launchEmailApp function when the button is pressed.


  • Make sure you’ve added the url_launcher package to your pubspec.yaml file and installed it.
  • Check that you’ve imported the url_launcher package in your Dart file.
  • Verify that you’re using the correct email address in the mailto: URL.
  • If you’re using a physical Android device, ensure that a default mail app is set.


Platform Scheme
Android mailto:
iOS mailto:

As a bonus, the url_launcher package works on both Android and iOS, so you can use the same code to launch the default mail app on both platforms. Just remember to use the correct scheme for each platform, as shown in the table above.

I hope this article has been helpful in solving the “Flutter can’t open default mail app in Android” issue. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Happy coding, and don’t forget to share your experiences and solutions with the Flutter community!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you having trouble opening the default mail app in Android using Flutter? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some common questions and answers to help you resolve the issue.

Q1: Why can’t I open the default mail app in Android using Flutter?

This is likely because the `url_launcher` package in Flutter doesn’t support launching the default mail app in Android. You need to use a specific intent to launch the mail app, which requires additional configuration.

Q2: How do I configure the intent to launch the default mail app in Android?

You need to add the `android.intent.action.SENDTO` intent to your AndroidManifest.xml file and specify the mailto protocol. This will allow your app to launch the default mail app. You can also use the `android.content.Intent` class to create an intent and start the mail app.

Q3: What is the correct syntax to launch the default mail app in Android using Flutter?

You can use the `url_launcher` package and specify the `mailto` protocol with the recipient’s email address. For example: `mailto:someone@example.com?subject=Hello`. This will launch the default mail app with the specified email address and subject.

Q4: How do I handle errors when launching the default mail app in Android using Flutter?

You can use a try-catch block to handle any exceptions that occur when launching the mail app. You can also use the `canLaunch` method from the `url_launcher` package to check if the mail app is available before launching it.

Q5: Are there any alternative packages or solutions to launch the default mail app in Android using Flutter?

Yes, you can use alternative packages like `flutter_email_launcher` or `mail_launcher` which provide a simpler way to launch the default mail app in Android. These packages handle the intent and protocol configuration for you, making it easier to integrate with your Flutter app.