Broadcast a Message to All Joined Clients When a New Client Joins the Same Room in Erlang: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Broadcast a Message to All Joined Clients When a New Client Joins the Same Room in Erlang: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you building a real-time application in Erlang and struggling to broadcast a message to all joined clients when a new client joins the same room? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to explore the world of Erlang and provide a comprehensive guide on how to achieve this feat. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to broadcast messages like a pro and take your real-time application to the next level.

What You’ll Need

To follow along with this guide, you’ll need to have Erlang installed on your machine. If you haven’t already, download and install the latest version from the official Erlang website. Additionally, you’ll need a basic understanding of Erlang programming concepts, such as modules, functions, and processes.

Understanding the Problem

Imagine you’re building a real-time chat application where clients can join different rooms to discuss various topics. When a new client joins a room, you want to broadcast a welcome message to all existing clients in the same room, notifying them of the new arrival. This requires a mechanism to detect when a new client joins a room and then send a message to all connected clients in that room.

The Erlang Solution

Erlang provides a built-in mechanism for distributed systems, called OTP (Open Telecom Platform), which includes the gen_server behavior. We’ll leverage this behavior to create a room manager process that will handle client connections, track room membership, and broadcast messages to connected clients.

Creating the Room Manager

Let’s create a new Erlang module called `room_manager.erl`:


-export([start_link/0, join_room/2, broadcast_message/2]).

start_link() ->
    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).

init([]) ->
    {ok, #{}}.

handle_cast({join_room, ClientPid, Room}, State) ->
    %% Add client to the room
    NewState = State#{Room => [ClientPid | State#{Room} || []]},
    {noreply, NewState};

handle_cast({broadcast_message, Room, Message}, State) ->
    %% Broadcast message to all clients in the room
    case State#{Room} of
        undefined ->
            {noreply, State};
        Clients ->
            lists:foreach(fun(ClientPid) ->
                ClientPid ! {message, Message}
            end, Clients),
            {noreply, State}

handle_info(_Info, State) ->
    {noreply, State}.

terminate(_Reason, _State) ->

This module defines a `room_manager` process that can be started using the `start_link/0` function. The `join_room/2` function is used to add a client to a room, and the `broadcast_message/2` function sends a message to all clients in a room.

Implementing the Client

Now, let’s create a client module called `client.erl` that will connect to the room manager and receive messages:

-export([start_link/0, join_room/1]).

start_link() ->
    spawn(fun() ->
        {ok, RoomManagerPid} = room_manager:start_link(),
        process_flag(trap_exit, true),

join_room(Room) ->
    RoomManagerPid ! {join_room, self(), Room}.

loop(RoomManagerPid) ->
        {message, Message} ->
            io:format("Received message: ~p~n", [Message]),
        _ ->

This module defines a `client` process that can be started using the `start_link/0` function. The `join_room/1` function connects the client to the room manager and joins a room. The `loop/1` function receives messages from the room manager and prints them to the console.

Putting it All Together

Now that we have the room manager and client modules, let’s put them together to demonstrate how to broadcast a message to all joined clients when a new client joins the same room:

1> {ok, RoomManagerPid} = room_manager:start_link().

2> Client1Pid = client:start_link().

3> client:join_room("room1", Client1Pid).

4> Client2Pid = client:start_link().

5> client:join_room("room1", Client2Pid).

6> room_manager:broadcast_message("room1", "Hello, world!").

7> %% Client1Pid and Client2Pid will receive the message

In this example, we start the room manager and two clients. Both clients join the “room1” room, and then we broadcast a message to all clients in the room using the `broadcast_message/2` function. As a result, both clients receive the message.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to broadcast a message to all joined clients when a new client joins the same room in Erlang. We created a room manager process using the gen_server behavior and implemented a client process that connects to the room manager and receives messages. By following these steps, you can build real-time applications in Erlang that scale and perform efficiently.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter issues with the code, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you’ve compiled the `room_manager.erl` and `client.erl` modules using the Erlang compiler.
  • Verify that the room manager process is started correctly using the `start_link/0` function.
  • Check that clients are properly connected to the room manager using the `join_room/1` function.
  • Use the Erlang debugger or observer to inspect the state of the room manager and client processes.

Optimizations and Future Work

While this implementation provides a basic solution for broadcasting messages to connected clients, there are several optimizations and future work that can be done:

  1. Implementing message persistence: Store messages in a database or message broker to ensure message delivery in case of failures.
  2. Adding client disconnection handling: Handle client disconnections and remove them from the room manager’s state.
  3. Improving scalability: Consider using a distributed architecture or load balancing to handle a large number of clients.
  4. Enhancing security: Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure the communication between clients and the room manager.
Module Description
room_manager.erl Implements the room manager process using the gen_server behavior.
client.erl Defines the client process that connects to the room manager and receives messages.

By following this guide, you’ve learned how to broadcast a message to all joined clients when a new client joins the same room in Erlang. With this foundation, you can build robust and scalable real-time applications that provide a rich user experience.

Final Thoughts

Erlang provides a unique set of features that make it an ideal language for building real-time systems. By leveraging the gen_server behavior and OTP principles, you can create scalable and fault-tolerant applications that meet the demands of modern users.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Experiment with the code, and don’t be afraid to try new things. As you continue to develop your skills in Erlang, you’ll unlock the full potential of this amazing language.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on broadcasting messages to all joined clients when a new client joins the same room in Erlang!

Q1: What is the purpose of broadcasting a message to all joined clients when a new client joins the same room in Erlang?

The purpose is to notify all existing clients in the room that a new client has joined, allowing them to update their state accordingly. This is particularly useful in real-time applications, such as live chats or multiplayer games, where timely notifications are crucial.

Q2: How does Erlang handle concurrency when broadcasting a message to all joined clients?

Erlang is designed to handle concurrency efficiently using lightweight processes (called “processes” in Erlang terminology). When broadcasting a message, Erlang creates a new process for each client, ensuring that the message is delivered concurrently to all clients without blocking or waiting for individual responses.

Q3: What is the best approach to implement broadcasting in Erlang?

One popular approach is to use Erlang’s built-in `gen_server` module, which provides a generic server behavior. You can create a `gen_server` process that maintains a list of connected clients and broadcasts messages to them when a new client joins. This approach ensures that the broadcasting logic is decoupled from the client-side logic.

Q4: How can I ensure that only authorized clients receive the broadcast message in Erlang?

You can implement authorization mechanisms, such as authentication tokens or role-based access control, to verify the identity and permissions of each client before adding them to the list of connected clients. This ensures that only authorized clients receive the broadcast message, preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Q5: What are some common pitfalls to avoid when implementing broadcasting in Erlang?

Common pitfalls include not handling disconnections properly, ignoring errors when broadcasting to clients, and not scaling the broadcasting mechanism to handle a large number of clients. It’s essential to carefully design and test your broadcasting implementation to avoid these issues and ensure reliable and efficient message delivery.

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